Wednesday 4 May 2011

When Bullies attack

Growing up was a great time and even school could be fun, but from time to time it would happen.
A bigger bloke had to come over and either demand lunch money or just blatantly hit me or push me over. I was not always a target.

A lot of other kids copped it more than I but i still happened none the less. There was no real way of dealing with that type of person due to size and confidence of myself.
You just had to dust yourself off and keep going. When I thing back I really didn't care if they had problems at home, having a bad day or just down right mean. All I knew is that I didn't deserve to be hit or pushed.
I left school and soon forgot about all that kind of stuff.

Now I have two girls of my own just about to start high school and they have told me that a few girls tease them and carry on a bit. Nothing physical yet.
That is my concern. I do not believe in violence, but I do believe no one has a right to attack you just because you may be different to them.

Bullies are opportunist predators and will find someone they believe is weaker and an easy target.
I have started to teach my girls to defend themselves if this problem arises. I’m doing this because I know I will not be there all the time nor will the teachers.

So I believe this to be piece of mind. As stated I do not condone violence, but a bully does. And when you fight back in the proper manner them (the bullies) will take note. Your child will execute the right moves and defend his or herself properly and the bully will back off. All that is needed is for the situation to be nipped in the bud.
I am not teaching my kids to be Bruce Lee's, but I have learnt from a professional certain defence and offence moves that will give my girls a much greater chance of getting themselves out of the danger zone and report a wrong doing.
The training is not hard, it is easy to remember and I have learnt a lot.
My girls are more confident about their surrounds, and if the bully attacks they have a much better understanding of what to do.

It has happened to me growing up and now that i have two girls of my own. I believe that the bully’s time is numbered. I would hate to see my kids or anyone else's kids get hurt.
And i do believe as parents we will not be there all the time to protect our children. So I have taken a proactive measure and given my girls and edge so they, only if need be can defend themselves against attack.
If you wish to learn more, don't hesitate to get the information from  Please go here

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